Do you know the origin of this rhyme . . .?
Most have heard about the "Black Plague" that affected Europe. It was called black because black means bad to White people, but "the White Plague" actually happened to White Europeans.
The plague was so bad that every single family of Europe was affected and threatened with extinction. From 30% to 50% of the people DIED. Just imagine just 1 in 4 people dead in today's streets; in every city, county, and state. There is NO infrastructure that could possibly prevent such a thing from just about ending a society altogether . . .
This is the context of the famous nursery rhyme;
1. The face would get ring like outbreaks (ring around the rosies).
2. So many were dead in the street the stench was unbearable, so they carried strong smelling flowers to cover the nose ( a pocket full of posies).
3. The sick could just sneeze and fall out dead (Hachew, Hachew - we all fall down).
4. THIS is why in European culture if you sneeze they immediately say Bless You; as a prayer so you won't die . . . . really!
It was the Moors who brought in medicine, culture, science, schools, classical music, masonry, herbs, civilization, domestication of animals outside of the home, bath houses with live entertainment while bathing was illegal in Europe - that ultimately saved White Europeans from all but certain extinction.
This fact was acknowledged by a popular phrase in the day that went "Oh thank heaven, for 711". That was the year Gibral Tariq; a Black Moor general from North Africa conquered Spain and Portugal and ruled a large part of Europe for over 700 years! This is why the Portuguese, Spanish, Sicilians, Italians, etc are dark skinned Europeans that some Nordic Whites don't even consider White.
He was such a mighty leader that the straits of Gibralter and Prudentials Rock are named after Gibral Tariq; the "Rock of Gibralter" a mighty Black man!
When they finally ran the Moors out of Europe - 700 plus years later; they left behind Europe's FIRST 17 universities - ALL founded by Black Moors from Africa.
They even preserved Greek culture for them and left algebra (an Arabic word like aljazeera) behind as well . .
You may recall being taught in school that Western (white) civilization is founded upon the ancient Greek civilization that seemed to suddenly appear. What European historians are trying to hide or deny is that the Greek civilization was primarily the offspring of the advanced Black African civilization of ancient Egypt that preceded it by thousands of years. Greek legends relate that Egyptian & Phoenician conquerors ruled all or parts of Greece until the 14th or 15th century B.C.
Books about Western civilization’s African origins include Cheikh Anta Diop: The African Origin of Civilization - Myth or Reality and Martin Bernal: Black Athena Vol. 1, 2.
The earliest Greek & Roman gods were all Black, including the Trojan heroes!
The early Greek-Roman gods & goddesses such as Apollo, Zeus, Hercules, Athena, Venus, were all Black, being renditions of the Black Egyptian gods. The historian Herodotus himself wrote “the names of nearly all the gods came to Greece from Egypt.” The Aeneid, like the Iliad, Odyssey and all the other great epics of the world, is a poetic story dealing with Black people! Aeneas, the Trojan hero of Virgil’s Aeneid, was in direct descent from Dardanus, the African founder of Troy.
Africans gave us Math, Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry! -Including the Arabic Numbers! Africans also originated the world’s first known universities.
The falsely credited Pythagoras and Euclid learned their knowledge from Egypt’s “Sacred Mystery Schools,” which were the first universities known to man (with branches in other parts of the world, including China!) Estimated by computer analysis to have approached a mile in length, the temple-university of Luxor housed an elite faculty of priest-professors and catered to some 80,000 students at all grade levels! Temples were at the center of religion, politics and education.
The Ethiopians and Egyptians originated Mathematics and Trigonometry. The African Moors originated Algebra and developed Trigonometry into a science. The word Algebra is derived from “Al-Jabr wa’l Muqabala,” the title of the first textbook on the subject. From the name of the Black author, “Al-Khowarizmi.” We get the word algorithm (a math procedure). The Arabic numbers we use today came from he ancient Arab people who were originally Black Africans! And many of them still are!
Chemistry & the word itself is from Black Egypt. And where would the world be without PAPER and ALPHABET?
Africans gave us both! The words Chemistry/ Alchemy are from the word Kam or Khem, the name that the ancient Egyptians called themselves that means BLACK. Africans invented paper and papermaking. Paper was made from papyrus, hence the name. Before this, writing was done on stone tablets. The alphabet used by Western civilization originates from the Black Phoenicians who copied the principles from the Africans of the Nile Valley.
The real ‘Father of Medicine’ was the African multi-genius Imhotep of ancient Egypt, not Hippocrates who lived 2000 years later. Imhotep brought the knowledge of medicine to Greece and Rome.
The earliest recorded evidence of the production of soap-like materials dates back to around 2800 BC in ancient Babylon.A formula for soap consisting of water, alkali, and cassia oil was written on a Babylonian clay tablet around 2200 BC
The Ebers papyrus (Egypt, 1550 BC) indicates the ancient Egyptians bathed regularly and combined animal and vegetable oils with alkaline salts to create a soap-like substance. Egyptian documents mention a soap-like substance was used in the preparation of wool for weaving.[citation needed]
Kae Bee people of all colors did not bath and that's detailed in a European written book called dirt and he shows the rise of Caucasians from the mountains to steal the world and make everyone suffer and let's keep it real history details this their isn't one race they didn't steal from and kill. In the book Dirt he will tell you Asiatics (blacks ) were ahead of others thousands of years with bathing and in Europe they only used one tub to rinse with water and the men would go first and then the boys would rinse one a year and then the women and then the girls by them the water was so filthy when they threw out the water children were found in there dead hince the saying don't throw the baby out with the bath water and dirt was their religion the more you had the higher you were in society
Africans From The Nile Valley First Civilized the Europeans
The Greeks were the first civilized Europeans who were primarily civilized by the Black Africans of the Nile Valley. The Greeks passed on this acquired culture to the Romans who ultimately lost it, thus initiating the dark ages that lasted for 500 years. Civilization was again restored to Europe when another group of Black Africans, The Moors, brought the Dark Ages to an end.
In trying to hide the truth, Europen white historians promote the lie that it was the Europeans who gave civilization to Africa when in fact this is a total reversal of the truth. In school you might have been brainwashed into thinking that western or white civilization was founded on Greek civilization, which seemed to just suddenly appear out of nowhere. What they were trying to conceal or deny was the fact that Greek civilization was a descendant, a child of the more advanced Black African civilization which had preceded it by thousands of years. In fact, Greek legend tells of Egyptian and Phoenician conquerors who had been ruling Greece until the 14th or 15th century B.C.
Descendent of Moor In the year 711, a Black Moorish army from Morocco arrived in Spain under the command General Tarik ibn Ziyad (al Gibral), with 7,000 troops consisting of 300 Arabs and 6,700 native Sudanese, - an Arabic word for Black people. They crossed from Africa to the Iberian Peninsula, landing near a steep rock which, from that day until now has borne his name "Tarik's Mountain" or The Rock of Gibraltar, in honour of Tarik's accomplishments. In Arabic this is Jabal al Tarik, but the English, in their typical disdain for other people's languages, pronounced it Gibralter.
Tarik, being a devout Muslim and consumed by the desire to spread the religion of Muhammad to the European continent, ordered that all the boats be burnt when his fleet arrived in Spain, because he had decided that if he could not glorify God by seizing Spain for Islam, then he and his army would never return home but perish in battle.
In August 711, Tarik won a vital victory over the opposing European army by defeating Roderick, the Gothic King of Spain, after rousing his troops on the eve of the battle with the following words: "My brethren, the enemy is before you, the sea is behind; whither would ye fly? Follow your general; I am resolved either to lose my life or to trample on the prostrate king of the Romans."
Within a very short time, the moorish Muslim forces had conquered the entire Iberian Peninsula.
After the invasion of 711, other waves of Moors even Blacker in colour arrived. The occupation of Portugal during this period accounted for the fact that even noble families had absorbed the blood of the Moor. Racial mixing in Portugal, Spain and elsewhere throughout Europe which was under the influence of the Moors, took place on a large scale from that point onward. The Moors were responsible for darkening the whites of these areas, Portugal in particular, which became the first model of a Negroid Republic in Europe.
That is why historians claim that Portugal is in reality a Negroid land, and Napoleon pointed out that Africa begins at the Pyrenees. Eventually the miscegenation (intermarriage) of Blacks and whites led to the disappearance of the Black or Negroid skin colour in Europe.
For 700 years (711-1492 A.D) during the Middle ages, the Black African Moors had dominated and ruled Spain, southern France and much of Scotland (southwest Europe), providing Europe with its finest civilization ever, recognizing earlier that Europe had again sunk to a level of almost complete barbarism, having lost all of the civilizing principles that were passed on by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Initially, Spain was the only country in Western Europe that had any semblance of civilization, but this later began to spread to Italy, Portugal and also into Northern Europe.
But while the Moors were re-civilizing Europe, noble empires in Ghana, Mali, and Songhai (Western Africa) were thriving and trading with the Moors, therefore Africa was clearly not some Dark Continent waiting for any European civilization. In fact, Black African Egyptians and Black African Moors were credited for having civilized the Europeans.
When history is taught to white people, the period called the "Middle Ages" is generally referred to as the "Dark Ages," and is portrayed in white history books as the period during which civilization in general, including the arts and sciences, laid idle. This was certainly true for the whites, but not for the Blacks. In fact, a painful piece of evidence that majority of white europeans still cannot face up to is the reality that during the Middle Ages, the great empires of the world were Black empires, and the educational and cultural centres of the world were predominately African. Moreover, during that period, it was the white people who were mainly lawless and barbaric.
During the dark ages in Europe, the Moors(black) had built more than 300 public baths throughout its 21 suburbs, also introducing Spain to underwear and bathing with soap, at a time when taking a bath was thought to be a diabolical practice to be shunned by all europeans, and cleanliness was regarded as a sin. Human waste was simply thrown into the streets because there were no bathrooms available.
In addition to 700 mosques, the Moors also constructed magnificent cities in Spain, but the incredible city of Cordova was the most majestic of the tenth century with half a million inhabitants dwelling in over 113,000 homes. There were also well-paved roads with elevated sidewalks for pedestrians.
Alhambra Throughout that period, Moorish monarchs were living in splendid palaces of highly polished marble and elaborately carved walls, with beautiful mosaic floors, while European Kings (England, France, and Germany) were living in big, cold, damp barns of unfinished stone which lacked windows and chimneys, with just a hole in the roof to remove any smoke.
Also at a time when Europe had a mere two universities of any merit, the Moors had constructed more than 17 great universities, 800 public schools, numerous colleges and bookstores. Not even public libraries were in existence in Europe during the 10th and 11th centuries, but Moorish Spain had more than 70, of which the one in Cordoba had a collection of 600,000 books!! Students from France and England travelled there to sit at the feet of moors intellectuals to study philosophy, science and medicine.
Muhammad Bin Musa Al-Khowarizmi The Ethiopians and Black Egyptians originated Mathematics and Trigonometry, whereas the African Moors originated Algebra and developed Trigonometry into a science. Even the word Algebra was derived from the title of the first textbook produced on the subject that was written around 820 AD, called Hisab Al-Jabr wa'l Muqabala by the "Father of Algebra," Black author Muhammad Bin Musa Al-Khowarizmi, from whose name the word algorithm - a math procedure - was derived.
This textbook alluded to the systematic method developed in the Islamic Empire for solving linear and quadratic equations.
The Arabic numbers used today, including the zero and the decimal point, came from the ancient Arab people who originally were Black Africans. The useless Roman numerals were replaced by Arabic figures since, "you can't do higher mathematics with Roman numerals." (Dr. Ivan Van Sertima). The words Chemistry and Alchemy came from the word Kam or Khem, a term that the ancient Egyptians used to refer to the colour of their skin, which meant BLACK. The alphabet used by Western civilization traces its origins to the Black Phoenicians who copied these principles from the Africans of the Nile Valley.
Clearly the ingredients of The European Renaissance were introduced and implemented by the Moors in Europe, taking the general populace out of the dark ages, and paving the way for the Renaissance period. These sources of European culture can easily be traced to the Moors whose civilization was not only artistic, scientific and commercial, but also extremely tolerant of all other races and cultures. The Jews of medieval Spain, for the most part, coexisted very well with the Muslims, and for them, the sojourn in that nation is remembered as being the second most glorious period in their history, exceeded only by the glory of the reigns of King David and King Solomon in ancient Israel. Therefore, the mis-education that has been promoted for centuries suggesting that the Greeks, Leonardo da Vinci and other Europeans were responsible for the European Renaissance is nothing but another lie,
In short, during the Golden Age of Islam, the Moorish Empire was the most advanced State in the world. The white Christians of Spain, during the entire period, deeply desired to expel the "Blackamoors" from their country. Nevertheless, it is an undisputed historical fact that medieval Spain was the cultural, educational, and scientific centre of Europe.
Moors playing a game of chest In spite of the Moors' advances in science and scholarship, they also enjoyed other activities such as horse back riding, marksmanship, polo, backgammon, and chess, the favourite Moorish pastime, because many enjoyed the challenge of warfare strategy and tactics. In this picture (1283 AD), Black Moorish noblemen are shown playing chess while being waited upon by white and Black servants.
Hannibal, (247-183 BC), the Moor of Carthage's military ingenuity, certainly indicated that he also must have participated in some aspect of war simulation.
Berbers Berbers In most modern white texts, the North African invading Moors are described as a "white" Mediterranean type tribe who were sunburnt and bronzed for generations, while the Black Africans were completely removed from among these Islamic invaders, downgrading them to the role of a few insignificant slaves.
However, the Berber is said to be a part of the Biblical Noah who originated from the land of Eber, - a grandson of Noah. Gen: 10:21 declares, “Unto Shem also, the father of all the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him were children born.” Remember the sons of Noah were Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
These original Berbers were the North African ancestors of the present day dark-brown peoples of the Sahara and the Sahel such as the Fulani, Tugareg and Zenagha of Southern Morocco, including the other dark-brown Arabs. In other words, modern North Africa has changed considerably as a result of the waves of invasions by the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Turks, Germanic tribes, Arabs, and French, which impacted heavily on the colour variations of the present region.
Europeans focus only on the most recent world of the white Arab and Berber people, portraying them to be the way North Africans always appeared, but this is like suggesting that ancient America has always looked like the present day white population.
Around 46 BC the Roman army entered West Africa and encountered Black Africans which they called "Maures" based on the Greek adjective "mauros," meaning "scorched or Black." The word "Moor" was originally used to specify Blacks, but with the passage of time it was applied to Muslims in general, especially the Berbers. Furthermore, during the European Renaissance, explorers, writers and scholars used to apply the term Moor to Blacks in general, using both words synonymously.
Even to the earlier Greeks, the Moors were "a Black people" (Mauros) and to the Romans, they were "a Black woolly-haired people" (Maurus), also synonymously known as Ethiops, Niger (Negro) and Afer (African).
Moreover, as late as the 5th Century A. D. Procopius, a Roman historian, called the people of Morocco Black.Other major historians who wrote about these Berbers were Martial, Silius Italicus, and Corippus.
In addition to the numerous sources which support the view that the Moors were a Black-skinned people, there was no doubt in the minds of the Christians of early Europe as to their ethnicity. In the 'Chanson of Roland' (Song of Roland) written after the Moors had invaded France in 718 A.D., the invaders were described as "Blacker than ink with large noses and ears" and with "nothing white except the teeth."
Coat of arms Even more so, all the Moors are shown as jet-Black in the official coat of arms of Aragon which has four Moorish kings killed in battle by King Pedro VIII of Aragon on November 18, 1096.
These pitch Black Negro troops played an important part in the Moorish conquest of Spain especially under Abderrahman I (757-787), who founded the independent kingdom of Cordova.
A rival Moorish leader also arrived with a great number of Negroes from Africa, forming a mighty regiment in 1016 and took over the Caliphate. Again in 1086, Yusuf ben Tachfln, a Nigerian perhaps, who is described by Moorish historian Ali ibn Abd Allah as dark and woolly-haired, brought in an army composed mainly of pure Negroes.
Yakub el-Mansur invaded Iberia in 1194 and became master of practically all of it. The guards of these Moorish kings were specially chosen for their size. They were Negroes, "jet-Black and of immense strength, recruited from the Atlas, Timbuktu, and Nigeria."
The world-famed shrine in Portugal (Fatima), where Catholic pilgrims from all over the world go in search of miracle cures for their afflictions, owes its origin to the Moors. There is even an account where a Portuguese nobleman was so saddened by the death of his wife, a young Moorish beauty whom he had married after her conversion to Christianity, that he gave up his title as well as his fortune and entered a monastery. His wife was buried on a high plateau called Sierra de Aire, and it is from there that the name of Fatima was derived.
The world-famed shrine in Portugal (Fatima), where Catholic pilgrims from all over the world go in search of miracle cures for their afflictions, owes its origin to the Moors. There is even an account where a Portuguese nobleman was so saddened by the death of his wife, a young Moorish beauty whom he had married after her conversion to Christianity, that he gave up his title as well as his fortune and entered a monastery. His wife was buried on a high plateau called Sierra de Aire, and it is from there that the name of Fatima was derived.
Moors were also recruited for Roman military service and were stationed in Britain, France, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Romania, and many became high ranking officers. For example, Lusius Quietus, a Moor, was considered the most competent soldier in the Roman army, and was one of Rome's greatest generals who was also named by the Roman Emperor Trajan as his successor around 98-117.
St Maurice St. Maurice, the greatest patron saint of medieval Europe, the Knight of the Holy Lance, was another popularly recognized one of the many Black soldiers and officers employed by the Roman Empire. St. Maurice (on the left), who was worshipped as early as 460AD, is said to have gained sainthood after refusing to allow his legion to massacre a Christian uprising. He is still worshipped in Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Britain, Germany and the former Yugoslavian States where his iconography decorates churches and shrines. St. Maurice had numerous artworks, structures and even a castle dedicated to him, and the existence of almost 300 major images of the Black St. Maurice has been catalogued. Coins and Coats of Arms for many districts and cities in Germany were also made in his honour. The name Maurice stems from the word Moor or Mauritania.
By the way, Saint Augustine was also a dark-skinned Berber.
The Moors ruled and occupied Lisbon and the rest of the country until well into the twelfth century, but they were later defeated and driven out by the forces of King Alfonso Henriques with the support of English and Flemish crusaders. This battle took place at the Castelo de Sao Jorge or the Castle of St. George which still stands today overlooking the city of Lashbuna, the name the Moors called Lisbon.
The white Christians of Spain had always intended to drive out the Moors during the "Middle Ages," but it was not until 1492 when Isabella and Ferdinand finally defeated the last Moorish King in Granada, that their dreams came true. This was the same year in which Christopher Columbus was commissioned by Queen Isabella to discover the "New World".
The Moors had also introduced the first shooting mechanisms or rifles known as fire sticks, thus revolutionizing European military science, but this backfired and led to their downfall when their enemies used gunpowder technology to force them out of Spain and drive them back to West Africa. Many of them would later be captured and sold into slavery throughout America and the Caribbean islands. Several of these slaves were multilingual and well-educated, cultured scholars who came on the ships of Christopher Columbus.
The day the last Moors and Jews were expelled from Spain was counted as a great day in Spanish history, since Spain, largely because of the strength of its navy, had achieved the status of a world power, but in less than a century, the Spanish Armada was defeated by England, and the nation went into a great decline.
So it is a historically undisputed fact that Spain, during the Dark Ages, was the greatest nation in Europe, a status which it has never regained, because it was the light of knowledge which illuminated the Moorish lands of Spain and Sicily that was instrumental in dispelling the gloom of ignorance which enclosed mediaeval Europe.
Alambra Moor Architecture However, the defeat of the Moors did not put an end to their influence in Europe, as their African presence can still be seen everywhere in Portugal and Spain through the architecture of the many buildings which still retain their Moorish design. These can be seen in places like the Praca De Toiros - the Bull Ring in Lisbon and Alfama, which is the oldest quarter in Lisbon with its 15th century houses and narrow-winding streets, dating back to the time when it was the last settlement of the Moors.
Fado singers, who abound in all corners and bistros of Afalma, also owe much to the influence of the Moorish musicians centuries ago. Even the fishing boats called the rabelos on the beaches of Cascais show marked African traces, and are reminiscent of the transport boats of Lagos in Nigeria.
* By 1507 there were numerous Moors at the Court of King James IV of Scotland.
* A descendant of the Black Moors ruled Spain for 700 years.
* An African king named Gormund ruled Ireland during the Anglo-Saxon period in England.
* Halfdan the Black was the first Africoid king to unite Norway.
Did you know that the original knights of England were Black, including those of King Arthur's Round Table? Morien, known as The Black Knight of King Arthur fame and Sir Pallamedes, is the adventure of a heroic Moorish knight who is supposed to have lived during the days of King Arthur, and he is described as all Black, that is, his head, body and hands were all Black.
When the British Isles were invaded by the Vikings, some of these Norse raiders were Africoid. A prominent Viking of the eleventh century was Thorhall who was aboard the ship that carried the early Vikings to the shores of North America. He was a strong, giant, Black man.
Another Viking more notable than Thorhall was Earl Thorfinn, "the most distinguished of all the earls in the Islands." Thorfinn who was described as "one of the largest men in relation to his stature, ruled over nine earldoms in Scotland and Ireland, and died at the age of seventy-five.
In due course, the European Christians conquered Muslim territories, and soon afterwards the great debt Western civilisation owed to the Moors was quickly forgotten. By the 18th century, European Christians saw themselves as the predestined rulers of the world with a divine mission to civilise the heathen!!
Western historians have conveniently ignored the immense contributions of the brilliant and energetic Moorish civilisation in delivering Europe from mediaeval barbarism, but this can only be interpreted as a form of European arrogance and disrespect towards Blacks. It is evident however, that the contributions of the Black Moors to European civilization are immeasurable, even though there is absolutely no credit given to them.
During the European Dark Ages, between the 7th and 14th century AD, the Moorish Empire in Spain became one of the world's finest civilizations. General Tarik and his Black Moorish army from Morocco, conquered Spain after a week long battle with King Roderick in 711 AD. (The word tariff and the Rock of Gibraltar were named after him). They found that Europe, with the assistance of the Catholic Church, had returned almost to complete barbarism. The population was 90% illiterate and had lost all of the civilizing principles that were passed on by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
The Moors reintroduced mathematics, medicine, agriculture, and the physical sciences. The clumsy Roman numerals were replaced by Arabic figures including the zero and the decimal point. As Dr. Van Sertima says, "You can't do higher mathematics with Roman numerals." The Moors introduced agriculture to Europe including cotton, rice, sugar cane, dates, ginger, lemons, and strawberries. They also taught them how to store grain for up to 100 years and built underground grain silos. They established a world famous silk industry in Spain. The Moorish achievement in hydraulic engineering was outstanding. They constructed an aqueduct, that conveyed water from the mountains to the city through lead pipes from the mountains to the city. They taught them how to mine for minerals on a large scale, including copper, gold, silver, tin, lead, and aluminum. Spain soon became the world center for high quality sword blades and shields. Spain was eventually manufacturing up to 12,000 blades and shields per year. Spanish craft and woolen became world famous. The Moorish craftsman also produced world class glass, pottery, vases, mosaics, and jewelry.
The Moors introduced to Europe paved, lighted streets with raised sidewalks for pedestrians, flanked by uninterrupted rows of buildings. Paved and lighted streets did not appear in London or Paris for hundreds of years. They constructed thousands of public markets and mills in each city. Cordova alone had 5,000 of each. They also introduced to Spain underwear and bathing with soap. Their public baths numbered in the thousands when bathing in the rest of Europe was frowned upon as a diabolical custom to be avoided by all good Christians. Poor hygiene contributed to the plagues in the rest of Europe. Moorish monarchs dwelled in sumptuous palaces while the crowned heads of England, France, and Germany lived in barns, lacking windows, toilets, and chimneys, with only a hole in the roof as the exit for smoke. Human waste material was thrown in the streets since no bathrooms were present.
Education was made mandatory by the Moors, while 90% of Europe was illiterate, including the kings and queens. The Moors introduced public libraries to Europe with 600,000 books housed in Cordova alone. They established 17 outstanding universities in Spain. Since Africa is a matriarchal society, women were also encouraged to devote themselves to serious study, and it was only in Spain that one could find female doctors, lawyers, and scientists.
Moorish schoolteachers knew that the world was round and taught geography from a globe. They produced expert maps with all sea and land routes accurately located with respect to latitude and longitude; while also introducing compasses to Europe. They were such expert shipbuilders that they were able to use their geography expertise to import and export as far away as India and China. It was not by accident that a Moor named Pietro Olonzo Nino was the chief navigator for Christopher Columbus on the flagship Santa Maria. He is said to have argued with Columbus as to who really discovered America. One of the worst mistakes the Moors made was to introduce gunpowder technology from China into Europe, because their enemies adopted this weapon and used it to drive them out of Spain. Europe then took the 700 years of civilization and education re-taught to them by the Moors and used this knowledge to attack Africa.
While the Moors were re-civilizing Europe, great empires were thriving in Western Africa and frequently traded with the Moors. These included the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay, which prospered between 700 AD and 1600 AD. Africa was not a dark continent awaiting European civilization. In fact, Black African Egyptians and Black African Moors are credited with civilizing Europe