My father's side of the fam arrived from an unknown to me section of Germany prior to 1776, deposited themselves in Upper Bucks County as best that can be determined. My theory only is that it may have reminded them of the Black Forest of their homeland.
My mom's mothers side came from England and her father from Germany. My mom's side as previously mentioned had it's share of federal & state ruling classes peppered among the more common folks.
I would speculate that my mom's mothers side has been here over 200 years.
Like myself my mom had been an only child born in Philly 1925 or 1927 Ruth Priscilla Schumacher.
Paul Mick
My maternal grandmother Priscilla Ruth Teal (Schumacher) had 2 sisters, Bessie & Eva (Evangeline). Bessie apparently commited suicide as a direct result of struggles with menopause. Eva had gone deaf as a child. Eva Grefe retired to Blue Anchor NJ with her husband, George and their only child, George Jr whom all knew as, Bud.
Paul Mick
Eva visited my grandparents in Somerton by public transportation following the premature death of her husband. May have been a car accident. It is unclear if alcohol had been involved. Hee son had been a business class functional alcoholic but always pleasant to me. He had new cars on a regular basis back when styles changed quite often and seemed to be styled by original thinkers permitted to roam much more free than the aerodynamic fuel efficient present designs.
Paul Mick
He gave me a tteasured 1960 baby blue 🍼 Ford wagon that had been a dealer promo well before any die cast collectibles market existed.